What is WinMaC?

Winchester Math Competition (WinMaC) is a math competition for any students grade 4-8. Unlike many other local math competitions like LMT, HMMT, and ABMC that are meant for middle school or high school students, WinMaC caters toward both students just exploring the waters of competitive math and experienced mathletes who have already attended several competitions. Through past experiences, we have learned that elementary school students’ interests in competitive math are at their highest when they can participate in groups and work together. We have taken this observation and integrated it into our competition which will be centered around a team of students. This allows for more elementary school students to start to enjoy competitive math at an earlier age.

Why Create Another Competition?

WinMaC is a competition founded in 2015 by a group of middle school and high school students. Because there are many middle school and high school contests, but a lack of elementary school contests, we decided to start one ourselves. Our mission was to make the competition both fun and allow aspiring mathletes to gain exposure to competition math in order to be better prepared for future competitions. The key to success in competitions is to start preparing early in life, and many mathletes do not get this chance, either because of a lack of exposure to competition math or a fear that it is simply not “right” for them. By starting this competition, our goal is to show that challenging math is doable, fun, and rewarding.

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